
I had the fortune of photographing a fundraising effort  
The event was family and dog friendly
 which makes everything better.
Some old rockers showed up too! 
 The official tally was 75 people gathered for a walk  
around the Putnam River Trail
  The Frog Rock Trio provided music 
until a DJ relieved them. 
 There was dancing, balloon hats,
reunions, and new connections.  
The local business community provided dozens of raffle baskets.
 Scarecrows were made
by even cuter children.
All organized by a local hero 
and her team.

If you wish to know more about this fundraiser visit their website: .
To donate go to

 If you do donate; thank you.


  1. How very kind of you Jim Stahr to give your time and effort to a worthy cause. Very nice pictures you have taken for all to see. Thank you


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