Death of a Tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera)

I first viewed the middle of a blossoming tulip tree from the second story of a men's bunkhouse in a Shaker Village.
 The gorgeous flowers inspired my own planting over 20 years ago.
 I had read they were short lived at the time, but I did not expect it to die so suddenly, especially after last years amazing bloom.
 We contacted Shippee Tree Service last week after our first contractor was injured on another job.
 The tree went down quickly and safely. It took little more than four hours.
 Cuttings were quickly shedded and will mulch our gardens.  
Larger sections were saved for Cracked Yak Custom Carving.
The neighbor that was threatened with the dying branches even had the owner cut an offending branch from a nearby maple, saving her son a little bit of work. 


  1. Tulip trees are beautiful and I am sorry that yours died but the memories are fresh and it's limbs will be of service for many, so in a way it didn't die

  2. Good afternoon, I was wondering if you would be interested in writing a review on the work that was preformed on your property by Shippee Tree Service. We recently developed a business website, and were wondering if you would be interested in a review. If you would, that would be amazing. The website link is below, thank you so much-


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