HDR, please comment.

I truly want to have a conversation about photo editing.
 Each of these images were created
by combining the same five still shots,
yet they evoke different emotions 
and express different ideas.

I am submitting all four to a stock photo site just to learn what will be approved and not. While I do not agree with all the decisions made on my photos at this site, the people screening them are fellow photographers and have valid input. While there might be future earnings of my uploads, I value the learning curve and the constructive criticism I receive more. It is improving my photography, so I shall continue for that reason alone.


  1. #1 & 4 accepted. #2 rejected due to "DOF/focus" issues. #3 has gone missing from the stock sales site?!? Neither are showing up in my portfolio yet.

    I thought #2 was the most ethereal, which seems to garner the same result. I'll use it elsewhere.


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