click to enlarge any pic Sometimes I lament the picture I did not take. Such was the case when we journeyed out of New Orleans for a swamp stomp. This realization did not happen until I had been home for about a week. To avoid being eaten by gators, a tour by Pearl River Eco Tours was agreed upon. We had enough people going to fill two cars, me following my father in law. We had discussed the directions and took off for a forty five minute trip. Things went awry when my father in law took a very early exit onto route 90, which was mostly bypassed by the directions given. I followed, thinking his GPS might be giving him better directions. They weren't. As my passengers started to stress about the time it was taking, my eyes began to wander. Some hawks, kites, falcons, and buzzards wanted the camera to come out. But we were on a schedule. Arriving at the site, it was decided that I would ride in the other car to take the long way back for photos. Tha...
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