Before I start recounting my New Orleans trip I want to mention an old venue that is under new ownership. Willimantic's "Winners at the Lucky Frog" was recently purchased by the owner of Fred's Brickhouse. I visited during an open mic (who me?) before all the ovens were installed, but some of the Brickhouse' staff was there.  
John Rousey pulled MC duty, and these guys played host band, each are fixtures in the Willi music scene each in different bands. They warmed us up with some blues then started going through the sign up list.

 I was pleased to see Curtis Brand there. Who wouldn't want to listen to folksy tunes about being older than dirt, peeing off small boats, and lamenting the death of bees. 
Barrelhouse Bill showed up to blow some harp.  Must be a thing, both these guys played harp and wore black flatcaps.

Another trio did some sweet harmonies, and the song selection went all over the place, I think Curtis and I were the only ones doing originals. Everyone else was much wiser and covered blues, rock,  folk, country, and jamband tunes. 

Quick note about the service: as good as it was good looking. After lamenting my diet restrictions I ordered the grilled chicken sandwich. When it arrived, my first bite tasted way too delicious. BACON! Despite my assurances that I would simply not have a drink and compensate, the waitress ordered and delivered another without the extra flavor and wrapped the original for my wife's lunch. They even included fries with the second one - I had already eaten a salad with the first. The sandwich was almost as good without the gout trigger. Thank you kind waitress and barkeeper, you probably saved me much pain.

 I doubt you will be as lucky with your order. But you could take your chances with the off track betting there!

Next up: more NOLA!


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