A little bit of a plan.

It's noon on January 2, 2012 and I've had my first cup of coffee. The stomach bug that hit just before the new year has given me time to reflect on my decisions of the last. Being "furloughed" has given me an opportunity that I do not wish to waste.

Many, myself included, have doubts of my recent choices.  I've not been unemployed since I was fifteen. My  Navy discharge papers and employment start dates are the same, and the one job change that I've had since overlapped by two weeks. But I have a plan. One that hopefully does not lead me to those wonderful titles of "failed business" or "starving artist".

Why blog? It's cheap and easy and allows me to hone any writing skills that might have hibernated. I've done enough technical and procedural writing that my grammar should be mostly intact, but expressive writing is another thing. I am fairly certain that my journey is not an uncommon dream. Humans have a propensity toward art once the necessities are secured.

Indeed I have spent all of my free time behind a guitar or a camera and have pleased those that looked or listened. I spent much of the Christmas season answering "how do I..." questions of their new technology gifting ideas. I am certain if you are still reading this, you also have a desire to help others while doing what you love. That's my business plan in a nutty little shell, and this is a country where it is supposed to work.

So feel free to join me as I travel to the unemployment office, the local community college, and vacation in New Orleans in March.

May this new year be as interesting for you.


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