
Yesterday, no,

Tomorrow, no,

Today, now,

I've had to stop my daily walks, my personal form of prayer or meditation, due to family and medical issues. Those close to me have helped and have offered well wishes in a variety of ways.

I find it odd that people tell me "I know you aren't the praying type. so I'll keep you in my thoughts". My experience and opinion of prayer have little to do with how  you calm your mind. If you feel prayer will help me, feel free. Whether it helps me or not, you may certainly do whatever you think might assist. Whether it helps or not, you will have a clear conscience that you have done all in your power, and called on those powers of your belief. 

Either way, I will thank you for your attempt to help me. Be sure that the attempt will help me if only in keeping my spirits up with the knowledge that I have friends that care enough to want to help. The positive vibes, thoughts, and even prayers will help me maintain the positive attitude that I will need for the upcoming trials and return to my daily, and perhaps prayerful, walks. 


  1. I do keep you in my thoughts most of the day and sometimes into the night. I worry about you at this time in your life and if that helps keep your spirits up, that makes me happy. No one ever promises a life without a lot of pain, but when you know you have friends and people who care about you then that will somewhat make the pain a bit less. Go on this bumpy road and when it becomes smooth again perhaps you will value the lessons you have learned while on it.


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