People have requested a broader view of our gardens rather than the close ups of the current blooms. This is a quick walk around my modest property. The problem is that our gardens reveal their beauty seasonally, without grandiose. To be sure, we splurge for annuals here and there. I wonder how many people even notice this planter, but the ones that talk to me about it make me realize I do care what people think. I've liked every person that has enjoyed it enough to let me know. Before. I believe it was 1993 when we had our first load of wood chips delivered to kill the southeast grass.We had already planted the hedges of forsythia and rosa rugosa. After. Here is the current view, with redbud, iris, and lilac fading. There used to be a hedge of hibiscus, but it won't live here anymore. The interior view. Herbs and rhubarb. And of course, a random Rose of Sharon. The laundry, surrounded by trillium, may apple, ...