Bog blog

The nuthatches and chickadees were as flighty as yesterday.
Red-Breasted Nuthatch
 There were so many at the Quincy Bog Natural Area
Black-capped Chickadee
that I captured a few just by pointing my lens.
 Geese were present,
as were salamanders, 
Mating Mallards
Yellow Shafted Flicker
Garter Snake
Black Eyed Junco
A HUGE beaver dam.
Little Brown Bird. Tell me if you know, please.
and other critters. 
Whatsit. Knocking like a woodpecker, perhaps a juvenile. Help me out, birders!
On the way to lunch we saw the Plymouth Municipal Airport
and other New Hampshire Lake Region scenery.


  1. I can't see the pictures as well as I would like to. Perhaps I would be able to tell you the name of the brown bird if I could see it. I would have liked to see the snake as well. but happy you had an interesting hike.

  2. You can click on the pictures to enlarge them. You should be able to see them that way, although I have to admit their camouflage is quite good.


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