The 8th Maine Regiment Memorial Hall

Staying at the Eighth Maine Regiment Memorial Hall is not for everyone.
For those with privacy issues, there are common bathrooms at the end of the halls.
For those with security issues, there are no locks.
For those with authority issues, there are many rules.
For those entitled, there are chores.
That said, I find myself willing to fight my psychoses and return over the years.
 Perhaps it is the sense of history.
Maybe it is the scenery.
The distance from reality.
Or the enjoyment of a meal that everyone helped prepare.
Whatever the reason, I must admit that this place refreshes my soul unlike any other.
Much of that is the people that operate the inn and the travelers that stay.
The normal among you should avoid this place.
It requires one to let down their guards and trust your neighbors, wherever they hail from.
 If you can do that, you will enjoy this place.
You will have a different perspective when you return to your home.


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