The wife and I finally decided to take the ugly beautiful chair to Family Upholstery. While there sizing up options and listening to the craftsman explain in excruciating detail how he had to rip apart each component of the chair and rebuild it, my wife's phone does that annoying default ringtone.

The daughter had called to see if mom would join her for lunch at a new eatery she was trying. Just Breakfast and Things, a stones throw away (for a really good stone thrower) from our oxymoronic chair. Seems we had driven south, and our daughter north to the same crossroads.

The grandchild, as usual showed her concern with my camera. I was able to smooth this over and eventually coaxed smiles from her.We had a grand time, even though our lunch was eaten right before leaving the house. There's always room for good french fries.
Granddaughter was chipper right to the end of the meal. As she was going to the car, I could tell a good nap was scheduled for the trip home.


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