I met this young man briefly yesterday. He gave what I assume is a stage name, Phrank Johnston. If I had ever had hair I like to think I would do similar strangeness to it. My hairline has prevented me from being carded since I was twelve. Very pleased that I had the camera; I was going to check out camera bags and grabbed it for a fit test. I am even happier Phrank gave me a minute in the bitter cold to pose - it did take a second to ensure light poles were not growing out of his head.
I also met up with a good friend delivering freshly baked delights post Christmas. I do believe her agenda was more along the lines of a sanity check. I did my best to assure her that I am no crazier than the employed me. I had my first Starbuck's coffee (yes, ever!) and we chatted; much of it good advice from an experience business person. The most pleasant instant of the day was after this chat when I opened my car and the smell of freshly baked bagels wafted out. My willpower was used up this day maintaining my no eating in the car rule. Later that evening I had a beer, for I had no willpower left.


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