Friday I confirmed my Veterans' tuition waiver. For you wartime vets that do not know, this program gives free tuition to all CT Public Colleges. I pay fees and books. Click here for details
I might even qualify for an additional stipend, under the VRAP program. Apparently it is an educational stipend for folks like me that have outlived the usefulness of their military training and need some knowledge to earn a living. When we start proper-sizing our military industries, this should become a very popular program. Link to VRAP page.
I also made my way to the unemployment office, where a nice lady told me to go home and call Monday while handing me papers. Just glancing at the papers, it appears there is also an on-line method of applying. This will wait until I hear about the VRAP and ensure there are no conflicts.
Saturday I cleaned and organized half of my studio. Physically it was more than half, but the desk is the big clutter that must be sorted. I kicked Christmas right out of that room till next year.
Sunday I tested my band. I transposed (or rather MuseScore did) "Nature Boy" for the instruments. The Trombonist started right in, the bass player took a couple seconds to figure out the descending bass dyads, the singer started figuring how to belt out this 1 1/2 octave song, and in less than an hour we were actually starting to improve over each other. I guess the band has finally trained me how to prepare a song if I actually want them to play it!
For those of you that do not know this is Lizzard Squint. There is a Bass player laying down behind the other musicians you see.
Hope you all have a wonderful work week!
I might even qualify for an additional stipend, under the VRAP program. Apparently it is an educational stipend for folks like me that have outlived the usefulness of their military training and need some knowledge to earn a living. When we start proper-sizing our military industries, this should become a very popular program. Link to VRAP page.
I also made my way to the unemployment office, where a nice lady told me to go home and call Monday while handing me papers. Just glancing at the papers, it appears there is also an on-line method of applying. This will wait until I hear about the VRAP and ensure there are no conflicts.
Saturday I cleaned and organized half of my studio. Physically it was more than half, but the desk is the big clutter that must be sorted. I kicked Christmas right out of that room till next year.
Sunday I tested my band. I transposed (or rather MuseScore did) "Nature Boy" for the instruments. The Trombonist started right in, the bass player took a couple seconds to figure out the descending bass dyads, the singer started figuring how to belt out this 1 1/2 octave song, and in less than an hour we were actually starting to improve over each other. I guess the band has finally trained me how to prepare a song if I actually want them to play it!
Hope you all have a wonderful work week!
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