
Showing posts from May, 2014


As I have time to garden this year, I decided to figure out the least expensive way to do a raised bed. Many rot resistant woods and recycled products are available, most are quite costly.  I wanted countertop height, my body no longer likes to bend to the soil. In my search I found hugelkultur . It is basically a pile of yard scraps covered by dirt. Vicky piled some of the soil near the compost bin. I planted tomatoes here and in soil, and one in a hydroponic, soilless pot.   The soilless pot, coconut coir and perlite, never went into shock, the hugelkultur (pictured in both) recovered over night. A week later the plants in the soil look recovered, a bit more vibrant than the others. I shall edit this post and add pictures of each as they grow. Rain is expected tomorrow as it was today. Edit May 25: I also planted peppers around my bay window. Might as well keep the garden blog in a single entry. Monthly pics perhaps, unless something exciting happens....

Local Scenery.

I took a walk around Brooklyn's center today. Routes 6 and 169 meet there,   so it is, and always was, a high traffic area. Most of the buildings are well over 200 years old.  They are a labor of love for those that care. Steeples get restored and businesses attempt to maintain the facade. I wonder if it is worth the trouble until I see the details that show the aesthetics of past craftsmen.

Signs of spring.

 Dandelion, penciled-in primroses, tulips, various  daffodils,  grape hyacinths,  and the beauty of the wild  and natural weeds.

The car.

Some think it's pretty. I agree. Virginia to Connecticut one one tank of gas.   445.6 miles, 12.15 gallons at 36.67 MPG at 10 over the speed limit. Rear wheel drive likes to sit in the snow.  It loads everything I need, including one passenger, and takes me where I want to be.