
As I have time to garden this year, I decided to figure out the least expensive way to do a raised bed. Many rot resistant woods and recycled products are available, most are quite costly. I wanted countertop height, my body no longer likes to bend to the soil. In my search I found hugelkultur . It is basically a pile of yard scraps covered by dirt. Vicky piled some of the soil near the compost bin. I planted tomatoes here and in soil, and one in a hydroponic, soilless pot. The soilless pot, coconut coir and perlite, never went into shock, the hugelkultur (pictured in both) recovered over night. A week later the plants in the soil look recovered, a bit more vibrant than the others. I shall edit this post and add pictures of each as they grow. Rain is expected tomorrow as it was today. Edit May 25: I also planted peppers around my bay window. Might as well keep the garden blog in a single entry. Monthly pics perhaps, unless something exciting happens....